A Holistic Approach

Going beyond talk therapy to produce dynamic results!

Going beyond talk therapy...

We are humans and made up of more than just our logical thinking brains and thus I go beyond talk therapy to utilize a holistic approach to healing. Going beyond talk therapy is the key to dynamic change! Why is that you ask? Talk therapy often only accesses our logical thinking parts of our brain. However, trauma, emotions, and other memories are connected to other parts of our brain and also throughout our bodies. In order to process unhealed issues that are causes us ongoing pain we need to access the parts of us that are holding the hurt.


Brainspotting may sound strange and different but it is a different way to diving deep and going beyond those thinking parts of your brain. Brainspotting supports the idea that "Where you look affects how you feel," meaning that your eye position can be the key to unlocking your inner healing abilities.

Together we will take the time to decide what you'd like to focus on, find where you feel it to integrate the body, along with listening to biolateral music that helps to integrate both hemispheres of the brain during processing. We will also find a point in your field of vision that is connected to how you feel in the moment.

In this process, I will support you in whatever comes up for you to guide you through the answers you seek.

What to understand more about Brainspotting? What this helpful video below to learn more.

I'm ready to access my inner healing


Hypnotherapy can be really helpful in cultivating change. This is not like the hypnotherapy you may have seen on television. This is a process where you are still in control throughout the session. We will select what you would like to work on and what change you are looking for before we start.

With my support, I will help you shift into a deep relaxation to allow your body and mind to explore what is within the subconscious state that you may not be aware of in your conscious state. We'll find what is keeping you stuck to integrate change to create the transformation you are looking for.

I'm ready to go deeper

Internal Family Systems

Have you ever said, "There is a part of me that feels...but there is another part of me that feels like..." If so you're not alone. Internal Family Systems believes that we are all made of multiple parts and that we can take the time to embrace and welcome all of your parts to move towards change. So yes, your angry, anxious, sad, irritated, indecisive, logical and silly parts are welcome.

As an IFS-Informed therapist, I support individuals in exploring their inner world of our parts to understand how they came to be. This approach increases self-awareness of our own emotions and thoughts to help bring inner harmony to our own inner world. This will help with reducing triggers, extreme and/or reactive responses.

I'm ready to meet my parts
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