Group Workshops

We can heal in community together!

Healing in Community!

Coming together in community is vital for us. There is nothing like being heard, seen and acknowledged by other sisters who can resonate with us. I support black women in these spaces by offering workshops that increase community, self-awareness, self-love and unhealed pain to transform lives. Hosting a women's brunch or a girl's night out? I can bring something new and life changing to your group dynamics.

Uncovering Hidden Hurt

We have all done it. At some point in our lives we have all tried to tough it out when things got challenging. We may say that we got it, we don't need any help or we are strong. Although many people may praise us for our strength, it may cost us our own mental anguish, emotions and self-care in the end.

This workshop takes the time to explore what is underneath the armor of strength that we wear. Piece by piece we unravel what is underneath to increase self-awareness of stressors, unhealed trauma and emotions that have been hidden from every day life. We take the time to process through mindful exercises, meditation and hypnotherapy.

Ready to talk about how this workshop can support your group?

Let's Talk

Before "I do"

Ahhhh, love right! The beginning stages of a relationship often feel blissful. The long conversations, the dates, and connection is great. We often get swept up in the honeymoon phase and before we know it wedding bells are closer than we think. OR we are thinking about dating again in hopes of getting married in the future, but unsure about what marriage really means.

Wherever you are in your dating and love life we can work together to explore things that we may often forget about before we say "I do." In this workshop, we will work to uncover vital things to think about before marriage to improve your chances for success. Marriage takes more than just love to also takes you knowing and understanding who you are so that you can feel confident in going forward in selecting a partner you can trust.

Let's Talk

Single Mama Trauma

Are you a single mother or have a group of single mothers who are in need of guidance in their personal journeys? If so, I want to take a moment to talk to you. Being a single mama can be challenging. From doing most or all of the parenting, juggling all of the household responsibilities, working, and/or dating...this life can get overwhelming. AND if you are doing this on top of unhealed hurt and pain this single mama life can be even more work. So, I invite you or your group to explore what is underneath your single mama armor so that you can parent better, adult better and be a better you for YOU.

Let's Talk
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